Is Legit or Scam? (Full Review)

The legitimacy of new websites is always a concern when it comes to online shopping., a newcomer to the e-commerce scene, has attracted attention, but not all for good reasons.

This review delves into various aspects of to determine if it’s a legitimate website or a scam.

Background and Website Overview Thongs Background and Website Overview surfaced on the internet on January 3, 2024, with a primary focus on selling custom thongs.

Despite being a new entrant, the website has garnered significant attention due to its product line and marketing tactics.

Website Analysis

  • Domain Age and Popularity: The domain, registered on January 3, 2024, is very new, with a life expectancy of just one year. This short lifespan raises trust issues.
  • Trust Score: With a trust score of just 31% on ScamAdviser, the website falls short of garnering confidence in its operations.
  • SSL Certificate: The presence of a valid SSL certificate is a positive aspect, indicating a secure connection for transmitting personal data. However, the level of certification is basic, not ruling out potential risks entirely.

Shopping Experience and Policies

Zorelace Thong Shopping Experience and Policies
  • Product Range: primarily offers custom thongs, targeting a global audience.
  • Return Policy: The website claims a 30-day return policy, with conditions attached regarding the state of the returned product and the process for initiating returns.
  • Payment Methods: Payment options include PayPal, Visa, and Discover, though concerns arise regarding the anonymity these methods provide to the seller.
  • Delivery Timeframe: Deliveries are estimated between 3 to 10 days, varying based on location.

Red Flags and Concerns

  • Social Media Presence: lacks social media links, a significant drawback for e-commerce platforms in today’s digital age.
  • Customer Reviews: The absence of authentic customer reviews and feedback is a glaring issue. The site does not exhibit proof of customer satisfaction.
  • Contact Information: Vital details like contact address and phone number are missing, limiting customer support avenues.
  • Marketing Tactics: Aggressive marketing strategies, such as significant discounts and urgent sales pitches, are employed, which could be perceived as pressure tactics.

What If You’ve Been Scammed?

If you’ve already made a purchase and suspect foul play, immediate steps should include contacting your bank, keeping transaction records, filing complaints with relevant authorities, and possibly changing your online passwords.


Considering the various aspects, exhibits several characteristics typical of scam websites: a low trust score, lack of substantial customer feedback, and opaque operational details.

The site’s legitimacy remains highly questionable, and potential customers should approach it with caution.

It is always recommended to conduct thorough research and opt for well-established e-commerce platforms for online shopping.

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  • Always check the authenticity of online shopping sites before making a purchase.
  • Look for detailed customer reviews and feedback on independent platforms.
  • Be wary of websites with very new domain registrations and short lifespans.
  • Ensure the website has a robust return policy and transparent customer support channels.